Monday, November 12, 2007

law presidential election: Nicolas Sarkozy's position on European matters

The French presidential election drew a lot of ink this year not only in France but also abroad. The international press portrayed Mr. SARKOZY as being "the actor of a renewal for France, the carrier of changes which would not be without consequence for Europe and the rest of the World". Even if the new French president was warmly congratulated by his European peers, they are still expectant of him on important matters such as the European constitution, Turkey's European membership, the energy policy, etc...

The European constitution
After France's and the Nederland's rejection of the Constitution two years ago, the European Union Member states want to address the agenda and sign a new text by June 2009 at the latest. Nicolas Sarkozy proposes the adoption of a "simplified treaty" so that Europe can rapidly provide itself with the means to work efficiently with the 27 Member States. Nobody opposes this idea, yet deep differences exist. Great Britain, Poland and the Czech Republic are in favour of this project, only wishing for no large-scale institutional reforms. On the other hand, the 18 signatory countries of the constitution strongly desire to preserve its substance.

Energy policy
During the European Council last March, the European Union defined a set of objectives to limit greenhouse gas emissions. They now have to be translated into a set of laws. Nicolas Sarkozy is in favour of the development of renewable energies. He also wishes to renew the French nuclear fleet which partly guarantees the country's energy autonomy. Nuclear management has always been a sensitive topic within the community.

The membership negotiations have been partially frozen since December 2006. The French president opposes Turkey's entry into the European Union, preferring to introduce a perspective of "privileged partnership" into the debate. This idea provokes strong controversy amongst the member states, some of which are in favour of Turkey's membership within the coming 10 to 15 years.

The Agriculture budget
In principle, the Common Agricultural Policy must be the object of a reshuffle by 2009. The European agricultural reform essentially depends on the Doha Cycle negotiations within the World Trade Organisation. To summarise, the emerging countries require a lowering of customs rights and the end of the subsidised agriculture in the wealthy countries. The richer countries demand the opening of an industrial and service market by emerging countries. For the moment, no middle ground has been found and negotiations are at a stand still. On that matter, the French President is strongly holding his ground and wishes for a more protective Europe "at the service of growth and employment".

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